Sunday, September 20, 2009

Race card? I say race baiting.

  So recently in the media there has been a lot of talk about how the opposition to our President is racially motivated. We have our nations first black President. He has a progressive agenda. The Republicans are in a deep minority. This seems like cause and effect to me.

  Now we all know what the Republican party was known best for throughout the Bush administration. Fear mongering. Conjuring up a fear of the "Could happen" to pass legaslation. "We have to give corporations welfare to ensure they can still afford to employ our constituents", "We have to pass the the Patriot Act to ensure no terrorist cells can exist in America", and lets not forget "We have to invade Iraq because they have WMD's that theaten our freedom".  All. Bull. Shit.

  The playbook hasn't changed folks. The same fear of what "could happen" is being used to stop or slow the progressive agenda that the public voted in to office.

  I do not see this type of political pandering as racist. I see it as survivalist.

  This is the only way Republicans know how to try and keep their campaign contributions flowing in. Stand up against whats best for the people by convincing the people they're being robbed of their "Freedoms".

  Being told by your elected official that your constitutional rights are being infringed upon is a scary thing. These people that buy into it have a legitimate right to be afraid. They trust these politicians. They look to them for comfort, for strength. In return they're lied to with corporate talking points, drummed up with only one aspect in mind. Save the corporation money.

  With the fear of "privileges" being stolen away, the media steps in and stokes the flames. "Is it a race issue?" they say... Well, it is now.

  What the media has done is taken away the legitimate argument and replaced it with a black and white issue.
I'm not going to deny the heavy racial undertones that dominate the lunatic right wing fringe. It's there, and a growing threat. But! This is classic a "Taking your eye off the ball" situation. This is exactly what the Republicans want. The rest of the country debating whether it's a race issue or not, while real progressive legislation gets swept under the rug.

  Lets not, as a nation, get swept up in a race debate. Lets keep the issues on the table and try to bring about real reform. "Change we can believe in" was the mantra. And it still is.

  With a heavily lopsided majority in Congress these goals of the X, XY and Y generations are still achievable. Keep in mind that the under 35 crowd got out and voted in our President. We of these "jilted" generations are on the front lines in this battle to secure "our" best interests. Not only for us but your kids, or your kids to be. We have an obligation to our future generations to uphold. Our preceding generation did not do it for us. So lets take a history lesson and do the right thing.

  Tell your friends, your family, your employer that you're above the racial divide. Tell anyone who will listen that security comes from peace of mind, not partisan politics. This is America. Your voice and vote are bigger than any special interest group or politician. Stand up and speak out for what you know is right. Speak out for what you want! Speak out for the people who are afraid to!

  We need to take care of each other. Stand beside one another. Not as Republicans or Democrats. Not as Black, white, yellow or red. But as citizens of this, the richest nation of all history. The nation of rights and well being. The Nation of hope and opportunity. The nation of rational thought and decision... The United States of America. Our home sweet home.



  1. Dear Jeff, we definitely don't see eye to eye on things, but that doesn't change that I will always adore you. =^) From a conservative's point of view, I also think the race issue is ridiculous. When Jimmy Carter came out and said Joe Wilson's shouted comment was racially motivated, from my perspective it was a way to shift attention away from the real issue... that many people believe there is lying and deceit going on. I'm not saying Wilson was right to do it in the way he did, but it's a real issue. Raising the race card swings talk away from the real issue and swirls it around a false one, which the media has run with. I just think it's interesting how we can both, on different sides of political belief, use the information to support our positions. Not everyone in these younger generations you mention supports the actions Obama's administration is supporting/taking. Hope you're loving Texas. We're sure loving Colorado.

  2. Just what I needed. Wake up, coffee, Jeff's post on race and it's position at the current American political table.

    I fully agree that we need to say "No" to racism as Nancy taught us to say "No" to drugs.... Hopefully this campaign will have better results and we the people can concentrate on the real issues and now the crazy banter of the idiots on FOX news.

