Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still suffering from the punch seen round the world, I decide home base will not do on a cool north Texas evening. By cool I mean not sweltering. The temps when I left the house were 78 and dropping. Low of 66 expected. I'm good with that.

As I head west, my destination is clear. I'm heading back to a bar that I'm slowly falling in love with. It's an upscale sports bar in a real "trendy" part of Plano. Lots of new developement, high end apts, mediocre condos and an obscene amount of shopping surrounds. Not to mention a bevy of attractive women in search of a cosmo after a hard day of indebting their credit cards.

Bartender greets me with a smile, and asks what I'll be having. Beer and a shot I say, as a test to see if she remembers me. No hesitation, she comes through with a Bud (draught) and double shot of Jager for the old school. She remembers me. A healthy tip goes a long way with the service industry.

Impressed with her memory I attempt to ask about her day but I'm cut off quick. "Nice spread option" she says.  A simple grin crowns her as victorious. Not only does she recall my flavor of demons, she remembers my team. A true professional in a whirlwind of people she tends to every shift.

My non-evasive eye roll and sigh of defeat is mine to own and she knows it. I like this girl.

As she briskly walks away to the next mark wanting a drink, I settle into my own. With the one and only goal of a healthy alcohol buzz, I drink.

Alone at the bar, no friends in tow. I survey the screens for any games I'm interested in to pass the time.

Sensing my boredom she comes back around to engage me.

She knows why I'm here.

The week prior I met a friend of hers at this very bar.

Long story short, I was enjoying a few too many.

A tornado of a woman came in to the bar with a similar goal in mind.

Pound a few drinks and let the days worries reside.

After a few heated exchanges about politics, sports and lifes lessons. We hit it off.

Her name was Dallas. From Dallas.

Attraction busting at the seams we set out on what would be the wildest night I've spent in Dallas. I'll spare you from the details of the elicit drugs, hungry embraces and poor decisions of the night. But I will tell you this, she was Rock n Roll. And I liked it.

Hungry for a second serving of that woman, I dare ask where she is... "She's at home with her boyfriend"...

With a nod a smirk, I can tell my tender knows the back story. She retains my eye contact for a second.

"She'll be back this coming... "

I hold up my hand before she can finish.

It's not a big deal.

She questions me with her eyes.

Mine gave her, her answer... 

 After watching quality in action I wasnt in search of the party known as Dallas, from Dallas. I was interested in the girl who remembered my drink. And my team. She is a professional.

She'll bring me back.

On my drive back, I had a song stuck in my head for Dallas, from Dallas... Dirty Girl..

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we'll pass a certain type of girl while we're out and about and Nate will start singing that. =^)
