Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not so Super Market

  Being dangerously low on food and beer, a supermarket run was needed. Just so you know, I HATE the super market. No one single reason I can put my finger on. I think it's just the whole routine of politely shopping around the people in your way. Watching the screaming kids banter back and forth while their mother somehow ignores them. The conversations over heard between couples. It all drives me nuts. I want to be in and out. No b.s. Food. Check. Beer. Check. I'm out. Never really works out that way.
  This last trip I took was going remarkably well. Had almost all my items in under ten minutes. I needed grapes and peas and I was done.
  Feeling good about getting out of there, heading for the produce, I'm met by the most hateful look I've seen since coming to Texas. And I've seen a quite few. The look came from a small Middle Eastern man. He was in his traditional garb that led me to believe he was Muslim of some variant. Instantly on the offensive, I have to glare back. Towering about a foot over this guy, and probably having a hundred pounds on him, I assume I can smash him.
  In an instant he heads down the next available aisle and I carry on towards the produce. Anger subsides to confusion as I wonder WTF could I have done to warrant this hateful look. Whatever. I found the grapes, need peas and I'm out.
  I checked out uneventfully, didn't see the angry Arab again. Headed to my pick up. Loading the groceries into the back of my truck I glance down and see that I'm wearing one of my favorite shirts and realize what the angry mans problem was.
  The shirt that I have on pays homage to my family's Jewish roots. Its a simple blue T with the star of David and a Superman emblem in the middle. SuperJew if you will. Now I see why he felt the need to mean mug me.... Fucking racist.